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All time Leading Broodmare Sires

Generated at 14 Feb, 2025 at 17:24
Season Broodmare Sire
2024 Bettor's Delight
2023 Bettor's Delight
2022 Christian Cullen
2021 Christian Cullen
2020 Christian Cullen
2019 Christian Cullen
2018 Christian Cullen
2017 Christian Cullen
2016 Christian Cullen
2015 Sundon
2014 In The Pocket
2013 Holmes Hanover
2012 In The Pocket
2011 Soky's Atom
2010 Holmes Hanover
2009 Soky's Atom
2008 Holmes Hanover
2007 Soky's Atom
2006 Soky's Atom
2005 Soky's Atom
2004 Vance Hanover
2003 Vance Hanover
2002 Vance Hanover
2001 Vance Hanover
2000 Vance Hanover
1999 Vance Hanover
1998 Smooth Fella
1997 Lordship
1996 Lordship
1995 Noodlum
1994 Noodlum
1993 Lumber Dream
1992 Armbro Del
1991 Lumber Dream
1990 Scottish Hanover
1989 Armbro Del
1988 Armbro Del
1987 Lordship
1986 Lordship
1985 Lumber Dream
1984 Fallacy
1983 Garrison Hanover
1982 Armbro Del
1981 U Scott
1980 U Scott
1979 Light Brigade
1978 Light Brigade
1977 Light Brigade
1976 Light Brigade
1975 Light Brigade
1974 Light Brigade
1973 U Scott
1972 Light Brigade
1971 Light Brigade
1970 U Scott
1969 U Scott
1968 U Scott
1967 U Scott
1966 Dillon Hall
1965 U Scott
1964 Dillon Hall
1963 U Scott
1962 Dillon Hall
1961 Dillon Hall
1960 Dillon Hall
1959 Grattan Loyal
1958 U Scott
1957 Grattan Loyal
1956 Jack Potts
1955 Jack Potts
1954 Jack Potts
1953 Jack Potts
1952 Jack Potts
1951 Jack Potts
1950 Jack Potts
1949 Jack Potts
1948 Rey de Oro
1947 Man O'War
1946 Rey de Oro
1945 Rey de Oro
1944 Rey de Oro
1943 Logan Pointer
1942 Logan Pointer
1941 Logan Pointer